EFCTC's Core Values
- 傳揚耶穌基督,以大雙城地區使用華語的移民為對像。
- 勉勵信徒建立讀經習慣,落實應用神的話語。
- 鼓勵門徒委身教會,在服事中經歷神。
- 挑戰門徒活出合神心意的聖潔生命,為主作見證,傳承信仰。
- 增設教會,在本地及海外參與植堂和宣教。
Evangelism and planting churches have been two of the most important core values throughout the development process of EFC. For 40 years, EFC has planted close to 100 worship locations, and grown to close to 8000 believers. Compared to the 500 some years of the history of denominations, EFC is still very young, and is a little sprout that needs nourishment and development. Yet, 40 years is an important milestone. We need to pause for a moment and think about the footprints we have made in the past, so that it may become a foundation for where we are going in the future.